Mushroom Motifs Are Popping Up in Homes Everywhere

Earth tones, texture, and moody smoked glass reminiscent of the ’70s are making a comeback, with an added trend of mushroom motifs appearing in various forms such as furnishings, lamps, and ornaments. This trend can be incorporated into one’s home decor regardless of interest in mushrooms.

Using Mushrooms for Decor Motifs Has Become a Popular TrendThe Use of Mushroom Motifs in Decor Is Rising

Mushroom motifs are currently popular and have a long tradition in home decor. The trend has been recognized by companies such as Terrain, who have found that it sells well among gardeners who have an affinity for mushrooms. The interest in mushroom motifs has been growing in recent years and is likely to continue in 2023.

Mushrooms have been a part of design trends for a long time, but today’s interpretation of mushroom decor highlights the style as a central element rather than a background feature. Mushrooms have traditionally been featured in botanical art, but are now appearing more frequently in tableware, lighting, and furnishings, making them more popular. Some mushroom decor takes a whimsical approach, while others apply a more subtle one. A mushroom lamp is an example of a subtle approach, as it captures the fun curves and playfulness of mushrooms without being too obvious.

Mushrooms Have a Feel-Good Vibe

The trend of mushroom motifs is currently visible in design and decor, with spotted morels, cap-shaped silhouettes, and mossy landscapes dotted with toadstools being commonly used. While the visual appeal of mushrooms may be easy to see, it is harder to determine why the trend has taken hold. It is believed that the popularity of mushrooms is due to the feeling they evoke. They are often seen as symbols of happiness and health, and their images are believed to evoke feelings of comfort and coziness that many people crave.

Trends often involve the reappearance of previously popular designs or styles, whether in home design or fashion. The trend of mushroom motifs is not new and has been seen before, as it was popular in the 1970s. This is likely another cycle in the trend of mushroom motifs appearing in design and home decor.

People looking for ways to get in on the trend of mushroom motifs can incorporate them into home decor in various ways. These include the use of whimsical and soft designs, reminiscent silhouettes, or subtle nods. To incorporate the trend in a literal way, one can include faux morels in a table setting or decorate with items featuring a mushroom motif, such as a doormat or cookie jar. For a less literal approach, timeless mushroom-inspired silhouettes can be incorporated into existing decor.