There is a reason why the flight attendants’ job has an aura of luxury. Several benefits of the profession make it worthwhile. There are countless possibilities for traveling and enjoying beautiful views from thousands of miles in the sky. Working as a flight attendant, though, can also be annoying, mainly because when attempting to be helpful on a flight, sometimes, passengers’ good intentions can miss the mark. Here is more.
Flying Dos and Don’ts
The passengers’ “helpful” intentions can make the job of the flight attendants more difficult. This can occur when passengers do not comprehend the protocols the cabin crew must follow on board, or when they have the incorrect perspective. If you have ever wondered if you have crossed the line by accident, you are about to find out.
#1. Bags Should Be Handled Only by Flight Attendants

A flight attendant for a major U.S. airline explains that because she is on the smaller side, passengers frequently volunteer to help her move bags or organize the overhead bins. This is acceptable if you are managing your luggage, but it’s forbidden to try to move other people’s belongings. She says that she had passengers take stuff directly out of her hands, trying to “organize” it. This not only enrages other passengers but also makes it nearly impossible for the crew and passengers to find their belongings when disembarking. The thing you need to do is to stow your personal belongings and then step aside to allow the flight attendants to do their job. Trust them because they will figure it out without your help.
#2. Tugging Their Sleeve to Get Their Attention

Some passengers believe that it’s more polite to gently tug on a flight attendant’s sleeve or elbow to catch their attention, especially if their neighbor is sleeping or the plane is very quiet. At least they are not snapping their fingers or whistling, both of which are extremely impolite. The thing you should do is use the call button. It’s why it exists. It’s not obtrusive or loud, yet it will attract the attention of the flight attendant. A little “Pardon me” or “Excuse me” won’t be bad, either.
#3. Asking Them to Fill Refillable Water Bottles

It’s great that you are doing responsibly by carrying your reusable water bottle. It’s good for the environment, and it also makes the job of a flight attendant much easier by lowering the amount of trash they must manage after or during the flight. What is a poor idea? Requesting the flight attendant to fill your 32-ounce water bottle. People are often unaware that the flight attendants are catered to a certain amount of water on the plane, and that’s all there is. That said, they cannot fill everyone’s water bottle since there would not be enough for everyone. Do the following instead: fill your water bottle before boarding. It’s acceptable to request water during the drink service; however, do not expect more than the standard serving size.
#4. Self-Serving From the Drink Cart

If the flight attendant appears to be juggling many drink requests when the drink cart is right in front of your, you may want to assist them, right? Please, don’t. Flight attendants must push the drink cart ahead of them along the aisle, so it will reach the row of a passenger before the attendant. Sometimes, people think that the attendant forgot to get their order, and they just reach into the cart. The truth is, they didn’t. The name of the game is patience. The thing you want to do is simply wait. Inform the flight attendant of your request and just wait for them to bring it to you.